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Friday, June 21, 2019

Computer full forms

Computer full forms

Here you find computer related all full forms.......


AC- Alternating Current
AAC- Advanced Audio Coding
ABIOS- Advanced BIOS (Basic Input/Output System)
ABS- Always Better Service
ACE- Access Control Entry
ACK- Acknowledgment
ACL- Access Control List
ACM- Association for Computing Machinery
ACPI- Advanced Configuration and Power Interface
Ad- Advertise
ADB- Android Debug Bridge
ADR- Address
ADSL- Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
ADT- Abstract Data Type
AEAP- As Early As Possible
Aero- Authentic, Energetic, Reflective and Open
AES- Advanced Encryption Standard
AF- Auto Focus
AGP- Accelerated Graphics Port
AI- Artificial Intelligence
robot, artificial intelligence

AIO- All in One
AIX- Advanced Interactive Executive
AJAX- Asynchronous Java script and XML (eXtensible Markup Language)
ALGO- Algorithmic Language
ALU- Arithmetic Logic Unit
Alt- Alternate
AM- Amplitude Modulation
AMD- Advanced Micro Device
AMI- American Megatrends Inc.
AMR- Audio/Modem Riser
ANI- Automatic Number Identification
ANSI- American National Standard Institute
API- Application Programming Interface
APK- Android Package
APM- Advanced Power Management
APT- Advanced Packaging Tool
APU- Accelerated Processing Unit
ARP- Address Resolution Protocol
ARPA- Advanced Research Project Agency
ARPANET- Advanced Research Project Agency Network
ARQ- Automatic Repeat Request
ASCII- American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASAP- AS Soon As Possible
ASP- Active Server Page
AT- Advanced Technology
ATA- Advanced Technology Attachment
ATM- Automated Teller Machine
ATX- Advanced Technology eXtended
AUP- Acceptable Use Policy
AVI- Audio Video Interleave
AVR- Automatic Voltage Regulator
Av- Antivirus

Computer full forms


BIOS- Basic Input/Output System
BINAC- Binary Automatic Computer
binary code, binary, binary numbers
B2B- Business to Business
BAT- Batch file
BBC- British Broadcasting Corporation
BCC- Blind Carbon Copy
BCD- Binary Coded Decimal
BCPL- Basic Combined Programming Language
BCR- Barcode Reader
BMP- Bitmap
BSD- Berkeley Software Distribution

Computer full forms


COMPUTER- Commonly Oriented Machine Particularly Used for Trade, Education and Research
CPU- Central Processing Unit
CMOS- Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor
Ctrl- Control
CAD- Computer Aided Design
CC- Carbon Copy
CCFL- Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lighting
CCW- Counterclockwise
CD- Compact Disc
cd, compact disc, music cd
CDE- Common Desktop Environment
CDN- Content Delivery Network
CD-R- Compact Disc- Recordable
CD-ROM- Compact Disc- Read Only Memory
CD-RW- CD Read/Write
CE- Consumer Electronics
CEH- Certified Ethical Hacker
CGA- Color Graphics Adapter
CGI- Common Gateway Interface
CISC- Complex Instruction Set Computer
Cmd- Command
CMS- Content Management System
COBOL- Common Business Oriented Language
CPC- Cost Per Click
CRT- Cathode Ray Tube
CSS- Cascading Style Sheets
CSMA- Carrier Sense Multiple Access
CSV- Comma Separated Value
CTR- Click Through Rate
CU- Control Unit
CW- Clockwise

Computer full forms


DAT- Digital Audio Tape
dB- Decibel
DBMS- Database Management System
DC- Direct Current
DVR- Digital Video Recorder
dvr, dash cam
DCIM- Digital Camera Image
DDK- Driver Development Kit
DDoS- Distributed Denial of Service
DDR- Double Data Rate
DIMM- Dual-In-line Memory Module
DLL- Dynamic-Link Library
DMA-Direct Memory Access
DMSP- Distributed Mail System Protocol
DNS- Domain Name System
DOA- Dead on Arrival
DOS- Disk Operating System
DPI- Dot Per Inch
DTP- Desktop Publishing
DVD- Digital Versatile Disc or Digital Video Disc
DVI- Digital Visual Interface

Computer full forms


EBCDIC- Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
E-book- Electronic book
EDVAC- Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer
EPROM- Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EEPROM- Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EFI- Extensible Firmware Interface
EFS- Encrypting File System
EGA- Enhanced Graphics Adapter
E-Mail- Electronic Mail
ENIAC- Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator
EPABX- Electronic Private Automatic Branch Exchange
EULA- End User License Agreement
EVGA- Extended Video Graphics Array
EXE- Executable file
exFAT- Extended File Allocation Table

Computer full forms


FAQ- Frequently Asked Questions
FAT- File Allocation Table 
FDD- Floppy Disk Drive
floppy disk, floppy disk drive, FDD
FLV- Flash Video
FM- Frequency Modulation
FOSS- Free Open Source Software
FPD- Flat Panel Display
FPS- Frames Per Second
FSB- Front Side Bus
FSP- File Sharing Protocol
FTP- File Transfer Protocol
Fwd- Forward
FDDI- Fibre Distributed Data Interface
FWH- Firmware Hub

Computer full forms


GB- Gigabyte
GBPS- Gigabits Per Second
GHz- Gigahertz
GIF- Graphics Interchange Format
GMT- Greenwich Mean Time
GPS-Global Positioning System
GPRS- General Packet Radio Service
GPU- Graphics Processing Unit
GSM- Global System for Mobile communication
GUI- Graphical User Interface
GOOGLE- Global Organization of Oriented Group Language of Earth

Computer full forms


HCL- Hardware Compatibility List
HDD- Hard Disk Drive
hard disk, hard drive, hard disk drive, HDD
HDR- High Dynamic Range
HF- High Frequency
HP- Hewlett- Packard
HQ- High Quality
HREF- Hypertext Reference
HTTP- Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
HTML- Hyper Text Markup Language
HW- Hardware
Hz- Hertz
HDMI- High Definition Multimedia Interface

Computer full forms


IDE- Integrated Drive Electronics
I/O device- Input/Output device
IBM- International Business Machines
IC- Integrated Circuit
ic, integrated circuit
IMEI- International Mobile Station Equipment Identity
Img.- Image
Inc.- Incorporated
IP- Internet Protocol
IPv4- Internet Protocol version 4
IPv6- Internet Protocol version 6
IRC- Internet Relay Chat
IRQ- Interrupt Request
ISA- Industry Standard Architecture
ISBN- International Standard Book Number
ISDN- Integrated Service Digital Network
ISO- International Organization for Standardization
ISP- Internet Service Provider
IST- Indian Standard Time
ISV- Independent Software Vendor
IMP- Interface Message Processor
ICMP- Internet Control Message Protocol
IGMP- Internet Group Message Protocol
IMAP- Interactive Mail Access Protocol
IPX- Internet Packet Exchange
IT- Information Technology

Computer full forms


JAR- Java Archive
JDK- Java Development Kit
JPEG- Joint Photographic Expert Group
JRE- Java Runtime Environment
JVM- Java Virtual Machine

Computer full forms


KB- Kilobyte
KBPS- Kilobits Per Second

Computer full forms


LAN- Local Area Network
LBS- Location Based Service
LCD- Liquid Crystal Display
LED- Light Emitting Diode
LLC- Logical Link Control
LPM- Lines Per Minute
LPT- Line Printer Terminal
LTE- Long-Term Evolution

Computer full forms


MAC- Medium Access Control
Mic.- Microphone
mic, microphone, audio
MAN- Metropolitan Area Network
MBPS- Megabits Per Second
MBR- Master Boot Record
MHz- Megahertz
MICR- Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
MIDI- Musical Instrument Digital Interface
MIPS- Million Instructions Per Second
MODEM- Modulator-Demodulator
MKV- Matroska Video
MAU- Mutistaion Access Unit
MMS-Multimedia Messaging Service
MPEG- Moving Pictures Expert Group
MSD- Microsoft Diagnostics
MSDN- Microsoft Developer Network
MSI- Micro Star International
MS-DOS- Microsoft Disk Operating System
MSN- Microsoft Network
MUI- Multi User Interface

Computer full forms


NB- Northbridge
NFC- Near Field Communication
NFS- Network File System
NIDS- Network Intrusion Detection System
NIP- Non-Impact Printer
NIC- Network Interface Card
NLP- Natural Language Processing
NNTP- Network News Transfer Protocol
NCP- Network Communication Protocol
NLX- New Low profile Extended
NSA- National Security Agency
NTFS- New Technology File System
NUC- Next Unit of Computing

Computer full forms


OCR- Optical Character Reader
OEM- Original Equipment Manufacturer
OFC- Optical Fibre Cable
ODBC- Open Database Connectivity
OMR- Optical Mark Recognition
OS- Operating System
OSD- On Screen Display
OSI- Open System Interconnection
OOP- Object Oriented Programming
OTP- One Time Password

Computer full forms


PAN- Personal Area Network
PARC- Polo Alto Research Centre
PC- Personal Computer
POV- Point Of View
PB- Petabyte
PCB- Printed Circuit Board
PATA- Parallel Advanced Technology Attachment
PHP- Personal Home Page
PCI- Peripheral Component Interconnect
POP- Post Office Protocol
PDA- Personal Digital Assistant
PPC- Pay Per Click
PDF- Portable Document Format
PDP- Programmed Data Processor
PGA- Pin Grid Array
PNG- Portable Network Graphics
PPI- Pixel Per Inch
PPP- Point-to-Point Protocol
PRAM- Parameter Random Access Memory
PROM- Programmable Read Only Memory
PSU- Power Supply Unit
PS/2- Personal System/2

Computer full forms


QC- Quality Control
QT- Quick Time
QR Code- Quick Response Code
Q&A- Question and Answer

Computer full forms


RAID- Redundant Array of Independent Disks
RAM- Random Access Memory
RAR- Roshal Archive
ROM- Read Only Memory
RTF- Rich Text Format
RPM- Revolutions Per Minute
RDRAM- Rambus Dynamic Random Access Memory
RGB- Red, Green , Blue

Computer full forms


SCSI- Small Computer System Interface
SATA- Serial Advanced Technology Attachment
SAP- Service Advertising Protocol
SDLC- Synchronous Data Link Control Protocol
SSL- Secure Socket Layer
SSD- Solid State Drive
SRAM- Static Random Access Memory
SLIP- Serial Line Internet Protocol
SMPS- Switched Mode Power Supply
SMS- Short Message Service
SIMM- Single Inline Memory Module
SQL- Structured Query Language
SRC- Source
STP- Shielded Twisted Pair
STM- Synchronous Transmission
SMTP- Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SD- Secure Digital
SVGA- Super Video Graphics Array
SEO- Search Engine Optimization

Computer full forms


TB- Terabyte
TCP- Transmission Control Protocol
TFT- Thin Film Transistor
TLD- Top Level Domain
TIFF- Tagged Image File Format

Computer full forms


UDF- Universal Disk Format
UAC- User Account Control
UPS- Uninterruptible Power Supply
UDP- User Datagram Protocol
UEFI- Unified Extensible Firmware Interface
UI- User Interface
UPI- Unified Payments Interface
URL- Uniform Resource Locator
USB- Universal Serial Bus
UTF- Unicode Transformation Format
UTP- Unshielded Twisted Pair

Computer full forms


VDU- Visual Display Unit
VGA- Video Graphics Adapter
Ver.- Version
VHF- Very High Frequency
VIRUS- Vital Information Resources Under Seize
VPN- Virtual Private Network
VSAT- Very Small Aperture Terminal

Computer full forms


WAN- Wide Area Network
WAIS- Wide Area Information Service
WLAN- Wireless Local Area Network
WAP- Wireless Access Point
WCDMA- Wideband Code Division Multiple Access
Wi-Fi- Wireless Fidelity
WPS- Wifi Protected Setup
WWW- World Wide Web

Computer full forms


XGA- Extended Graphics Array
XML- Extensible Markup Language
XT- Extended Technology

Computer full forms


YB- Yottabyte


ZBR- Zone Bit Recording